Sunday 17 July 2022

Beginning Again

 Welcome Back. I guess I am saying that to myself. Time to resurrect my blog. Journeyers Sanctuary.

A place to rest. A place to rest into a moment of contemplation and conversations with and about Life. 

Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you. ~ Rumi

Life in all its beauty and complexity. Life and Life Mission/Purpose. Doing what our heart is calling us to in the most beautiful, magical, creative, expressive way. 

Sounds like art doesn't it. Living my life mission is art. I have always longed to teach, to be part of a journey with those who wish to explore themselves and what they are here to do.  For the last sixteen years I have been teaching Counselling Hypnotherapy and almost 2 years ago I  created a counselling program. Working with those whose have a dream to create something new.

This blog is a place to share what inspires me and feeds my souls. Writing articles and sharing what I love. So whether you are a counsellor, hypnotherapist, journeyer or just looking for a place where you can stop for a moment and connect with your heart. This blog may offer you something to ponder. 

Welcome and I hope you return. 


Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking. ~ Rumi

What a Joy to travel the way of the heart. ~ Rumi

Friday 22 March 2019

Grand Adventure

Hello my friends. I have a grand exploration for you this week. How would you like to come and play with me in the fields of unlimited potential. As a writer we play in those fields all the time.
Where do all the creative stories come from?
How after eons of time could we still be creating unique and wondrous tales?
Well ..... come with me to my favourite place.
A place where all the words we could ever use and all the unlimited potential come together.

Once upon a time... in a world not so far away. There was a place of pure potential and in this place could be found words which became sentences which became great tales which were written with love and imagination. Words filled this world flying in the sky, perching on trees and floating as clouds. Waiting just waiting to become.... to become part of the greatest story ever told.
Places of pure potential have the power to effect change. The writer was holding this in her heart. She knew words, intention and potential were all coming together just waiting for someone to come to understand how powerful writing was. In this vast space of potential, pure potential - words could be the great catalyst to fire the emotion which ignited the heart and mind of the writer.
Surrounded by words the writer allowed herself to breathe in the pure potential. Finally here with an intention to use words to create, inspire, inform and weave a great adventure. The words floated all around her head as she watched, breathing, waiting for the one word which would become the one sentence of ignition. Breathing down deep into her heart she knew life would respond to who she was being in this moment. Heart and mind linked by intention to write - coming into flow with the deep desire to write...... and ...... boom an electrical signal goes out through the web of Life - the Fields and words becoming the great adventure are magnetically drawn to the writer, flow out of her pen. Putting pen to paper she allows the unfoldment of the story, the next chapter.
What if .... all unwritten stories exist in the Field 

as a collection of infinite possibilities!

The writer taking a breath watches the story as it emerges and takes time to think, feel and act in new ways. The words drawn to her offering her the highest story as she realizes this will mean letting go of the old overused words. These tired words floating away to be renewed and tell a different story another day.
She is amazed at this place of pure potential coming from her thoughts aligning with her feelings to create and reinvent. Laughing to herself,  writers never know what the next word will be that flows out of the tip of our pen. Surprise is a wonderful part of the creative potential. Coming into alignment with her passion she could bring her moments of flow to her pen and paper, write the story with joy and desire trusting the words that surround her. She breathed again, marvelling at how the pure potential was appearing to her as words moving in harmony, words just waiting their turn to tell the unfolding adventure she was writing. Words floating as if riding magic carpets. Laughing, she heard Harry Potter say: "I love Magic." Which led her into the next most important step. Thank-you - Gratitude.
Thank you to all the words who understood their power and potential.
Thank you for the surprise of the unknown which added beauty to a story.
Thank you to the pen which allowed the flow to flow.
Thanks to all the guidance from writers past, present and future for all times exist simultaneously and would be a tale for another chapter.
Thanks so much to my teachers in The Way of the Heart™ who helped me understand and work with Intention, Field Theory and the unlimited potential of all possibilities.
Thank you for the words which try to write the old stories over and over again, disempowering stories. You bring me awareness of the places I must bring unlimited potential to.
Thank You So Much
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. 
We are a way for the universe to know itself.” 

― Carl Sagan

Thursday 14 March 2019

New Beginnings

Dear Friends

The Journeyers Sanctuary has been calling me to start writing again. Time to write about the things I love:
           The Way of the Heart
           Writings that inspire me.
           Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work.
           Rocks, Stones & Crystals
           Making Orgonites
           Exploring the world as a storyteller and anything else my heart guides me to write about.

I invite you to join me, after all we are on this journey together and every now and then our paths will cross and we will sit and have a cup of tea together.

Hail and welcome

May the journey continue in mystery, joy and a sense of adventure.
Blessings and a hug Diane

Thursday 9 February 2017

The Temple

Once upon a time………….

This week I have a story for you. My week has been one of asking for help and receiving wondrous guidance. The story began to form as I was working in my Way of the Heart Feng Shui I manual. I was sitting with the wisdom offered to me this week around writing my book. It is a challenge for me to ask for help and because I did, the help I received from my teacher cleared the way for me to take a different and creative route with my book. I will share more as it unfolds. It is my gratitude that had the story dancing in my heart and mind.

So we start again…….
The ancient temple had sat on the top of Fangshi Mountain almost as long as the mountain has sat on the earth. At least it seemed so to the villagers who lived at the base of this sacred place. One particular villager had dreamed, explored and lived in the shadow of this legendary mountain and temple all her life. Stories and ancient myths were an everyday part of the lives of the villagers. She imagined mystical beings lived in the temple and had even seen then when she climbed to the top of Fangshi Mountain. She longed to talk to them, to live in the temple and study. She did not know how to ask and each time the courage welled up in her heart and she began to take a step towards, something got in the way. Something stopped her. Most of what stopped her was the thought she needed to know the answers to all the questions before she asked them. So she worked and meditate and went inside to listen, thinking if she worked hard and did all the right things she would be able to go to the top of the mountain one day and ask. Now….. there is some wisdom in her plan and a slight flaw.
Doing the work and clearing the way for wisdom is an honourable and valuable endeavour.
The slight flaw is: what was she listening to inside? What that voice telling her? Was it helping or was it holding her back?

One night she had a dream:
She sat on the top of the mountain is a beautiful ginkgo grove watching the cloud patterns change as the sun heated up the morning air. Looking around she noticed an ancient Buddha sitting under one of the trees. She jumped when he blinked as she thought it was a statue. He gestured to her to come over and sit beside him. Hesitating at first, his smile and invitation helped her heart encourage as step towards, and another step and another. Pretty soon she was sitting under the tree with the kindest Buddha she had ever met. (The only Buddha).
“You like our Mountain I see.” the ancient fellow smiled at her. “Yes, I like it too. What brings you here?” he asked. She could hear the warmth in his voice and feel the heart in his interest in her.
I want………..
I would like to ………..
I have dreamed of ……….
Do you think I could ……..
She could not seem to finish the sentences and with each unfinished sentence it was as if he was fading and she felt her heart sink. “Don’t go please!” her heart cried. “Let your heart finish the sentence.” she heard in her mind.
“Do you think….. I could come study here? There is was she had said it. She closed her eyes and breathed. A gentle touch on her hand and she opened her eyes. The ancient Buddha was smiling and his eyes twinkled. “Yes, if you really want to come and study here, then you shall. All you had to do was ask.” She woke with the wisdom repeating in her mind and heart. “All you have to do is ask.”

That was the day she walked to the bottom of Fengshi Mountain and found the path to the temple and started to climb, knowing in her heart the Gingko grove and the wise Buddha were waiting for her.

The End

I felt so much gratitude this week for taking the step and asking and for the gifts of his wisdom, fun and deep listening my teacher gave to me in our session. Living my life and writing a book have many things in common as I am finding our more and more. For instance: I may need to
ask for help and help is just waiting for me to ask on many levels.
Thank you Feng Shui and thank you “The Way of the Heart™”.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Magic, Whimsy and a Goodbye

My writing this week has a touch of the mystical and fun in it. So welcome to the fun and joy I feel in the journey.

For months now I have been feeling a longing for some story, movie, offering to bring me to a place of the mystical, imaginal and magical. This feeling has been so strong at times I have felt it like a homesickness, a deep longing in my heart for a returning to something I love. Or a moving forward to…. The images that have come with the feeling are of sitting in a rosewood lined library with all the ancient wisdom and inspiration flowing around, in and through me. Each book in this library is filled with a deep resonance of its wisdom. Each word, sentence, paragraph and chapter carries this resonance and it permeates my being when I need exactly what the book has to offer and inspires me to the future when I need inspiration.

“I do believe in an everyday sort of magic — the inexplicable connectedness we
sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like;
the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity;
the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we’re alone.”
Charles de Lint

The feeling was so strong this week I started asking. I shared my feeling with friends and asked if this feeling reminded them of a book, movie or something they could recommend.

Synchronicity & Following Threads

Some wonderful friends suggested books that lead to other great finds.


James C. Christensen* my favourite artist posted on his Facebook page a link to a movie made from one of his books of paintings called “The Voyage of the Unicorn”. Taking this as a sign I watched and guess what? You guessed it. The library in the ship is a rosewood lined library with magical books.


I taught my Counselling Hypnotherapy class and was offered a gift of a magical journey from one of my new colleagues. He took me on a journey to the place I described above. That is the joy of hypnotherapy, you can journey anywhere.  Well I did and guess what I found. Remember that character I told you about in my last blog? He came to visit me in my journey. I held him in my hand and could see every knob, muscle, horn and wing this little fellow possessed. The characters in my stories really are coming alive for me and living within me.

That lead me to some more threads and offerings. Tonight as I sat down to do a Way of the Heart™  integration I was offered two things that helped to develop his personality and characteristics more deeply.

Feng Shui II™ took me to the Wabi-Sabi House. Wabi-Sabi is the Japanese art of appreciating the imperfect, primitive and incomplete. Appreciating the beauty of things as they are at this moment. Finding the beauty in what seems ordinary.
Which was so much fun because as I had this little Dragon in my hand I could see all his beauty, imperfections and primitive nature.

Which lead me to my next gift from Feng Shui I. The question it took me to was: “Do you care what others think of you?” While I was writing of my journey through my life around caring what others think about me, I had an inspiration.

What if this little bull dog of a dragon did not care what others thought. He knew his heart so well “what others thought” was just “what others thought” and he could kindly not care.

This week has been one of following threads and listening to inspiration through the filter of writing my book, developing characters and filling in the world I am creating. I just love using my Way of the Heart™ manuals to help me write my stories and explore myself.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the
greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.
Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
Roald Dahl

The magical, mystical, alchemical, glorious adventure visited me this week in many ways and I am learning to trust, deepen my faith and open to the unknown.
Thanks so much dear Mystery.

 I have come to drag you out of yourself, and take my heart.
I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had
and lift you like a prayer to the sky.


*I found out some very sad news this week. James Christensen passed away in
early January. I truly want to honour this man, the great joy and whimsical beauty
that he brought to my life through his art. It is so fascinating to feel that I will miss
somebody who I didn’t really know, yet felt I knew through his art and through the
colour and magic that he shared with me and the world.
Thank you James, may your journey be blessed.
You will find one of his whimsical paintings below.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Gift of the Dream

“Hello”, the dream started. “Hello”, I heard.

The night sky had not unfolded it hold on the blanket of darkness so I sat in the moment and waited. This was my dream and I wanted to see where it would take me.

Once upon a time in the heart of the One there was created a truth.
All legends and myths are grounded in reality. We will write the truth in the myths and legend’s of this world. The hearts of the beings who read, hear and are touched by the myths and legends will know. They will know.
The dream took me to moments of truth woven into the tapestry of myths and legends to be found by seekers of magic and miracles.
“Is it time yet?” I asked the night sky, “Maybe” came the reply. “You like the dark and the starlight, what are you looking for?” “You are right, I’m glad you know me. I do love the dark as it is a time of going inward for me and I can sit in the cave of the silence of winter. Something to look forward to and yet, Autumn, Autumn comes first though.
Maybe that is what I’m looking for, the color of the artist’s palette floating down to the earth. Red, yellow, orange and brown floating a soft dance down, down, down. Moving towards a quiet inward coming in good time. I am looking for me. The me who I so want to share with the world.”

Who am I the I you see?

“Do you know that I love magic and that which cannot be explained? Have I wanted you to know that enough to tell you with my words and actions? What would you say you know of me? That I open myself slowly to your invitation to come into your life. Yes, maybe. Maybe I just see me like that. How do you see me?
Will you know I give easily sometimes because it is easier to give than receive?
Yes I bet you do!

Who am I the I you see?

Well understanding how you see me helps me know what I am here for? What I have come to do?
My goodness what a strange question and exploration as I sit in the sparkling midnight so deeply touched by the words I have just read.

Everything is beautiful, and there are certain things I feel especially beautiful.
Beyond recognizing their beauty, those things call me
These particular things move me.
Is moving me another way of saying they motivate me?
If I think about loving something, someone, an activity, a place, what moves in me?
I could say as an artist or musician I am motivated Buy an arrangement colors, or the harmony of notes. A scientist is motivated by your beautiful elegant equation. I feel all that.
The beauty in all of these motivates me, and I also want to know how it works.
What makes it so, and why do I care?
I want to know the great sacred mystery. The sacred and the mystical motivates me.
I seem to have forgotten that lately. All my life, I thought that longing. I wanted to discover, 
now I would say remember, how the great sacred mystery works in our lives and why.

Daniel Goodenough
The Caravan of Remembering
A Roadmap For Experiencing The Awakening of Your Life’s Mission.

“I am the me I want me to know more and more deeply. The darkness began to tug the edges of the blanket. This is the beginning it said. Ask the questions. Dance with the words and your heart will help you to begin to more deeply know yourself. Then you will be known and sharing will be a giving and receiving.” The dream in the darkness gave way to the Heart Light, the dreamer slowly opened her eyes to find herself holding the book.
Thank you she heard her heart say.
Thank you for the magical, mystical, alchemical all lit up highest possibility Way.
The Way of The Heart™.
The Way of my Heart.

This weeks blog was a joy to write. My inspiration came from reading The Caravan of Remembering. My joy was how deeply the reading touched my imagination and allowed me to play with words in such a creative way as to deeply reveal parts of myself.

Have you ever been touched deeply in the most imaginal way?
The Caravan of Remembering touches my imagination, creativity and excitement.
If you are looking to be inspired, deepen your life mission search and connect with the sacred within, The Caravan of Remembering will help you find your way home to your heart.


Thursday 15 September 2016

Holding the Questions

Questions & Sweet Inspiration

A new character emerged in a journey I was taking this week. At the beginning of our Way of the Heart ™ Feng Shui I follow up class my teacher takes up on a magical journey inward. My intention for the class is the same as my intention for the blog.

To write the stories that will come together to create a book.
To allow those stories to be written from my imagination, from a place where the book has 
already been written, and by the characters within the stories themselves.

On this journey I was taken to one of the worlds in my book. A world who’s hero’s are struggling with what they are able and willing to do as well as not knowing what they can do. The scene I saw and felt in my mind and heart was so alive and real. I could feel this character’s deep longing for the leader of this world to step into his power, follow his heart and do what he knows to do. It was visceral for me. When I emerged I knew I had a new character and his personality and attributes started to fall into place. He is ancient and is part of the balance of this world. He has known this world since the beginning of time also known the leader since his birth.

There is something unique about this character, he sees into the depths of one’s skills and abilities and sees the outcomes of choices. The leader he watches stands at a crossroads. One choice moving him closer to what his heart knows will save this world, yet does not know how this will happen. The other choice motivated by fear, overwhelm and grief will result in a very different outcome.

The questions that came up for this writer are:

How do I convey in story the inward journey each character is taking?
The struggle from each character’s point of view?
Do I do it in small bits, allowing the inner anguish to be revealed in its own time?

I remember we never really knew the depth of the anguish Severus Snapes felt in Harry Potter until the very end of the last book.

I carried these questions around this week and was surprised and delighted when my Way of the Heart™ Feng Shui I manual offered me a piece of wisdom that added a new dimension to the world I am creating.

You who have the knowledge, what are you doing with it?

My focus had been on the leader and looking at the leader’s choices from the eyes of the ancient creature emerging from the dark underground.

You who have the knowledge, what are you doing with it?

Questions: What knowledge does he have?
What is his responsibility around having this knowledge?
Is it his to do something with?

This new and compelling creature has emerged at this time in my process and the world of my books process – what has he brought to us?

Do we not all have knowledge about something – what are we going to do with it?

To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle,
requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.
Albert Einstein

What a journey I am walking. Reading the book of life through this “Way” and with the my amazing manuals is such a joy and alchemical mystery. Sometimes I end up with more questions than answers. I am truly beginning to understand when I ask questions, sleep on the question, and carry them in my Writer’s Heart; it will not take long before the being of my story & my book will have me bounding into my office for my journal to write some sweet inspiration down.

So….. I end this week’s blog with Gratitude and a question for you.

What questions are you carrying around in your heart?

See you all next week.
Thanks for walking the journey with me.

It is not that I am so smart, But that I stay with the question much longer.
Albert Einstein